Floor plan, elevations, sections and details of rest room building at Zion National Park, Utah, as constructed. Sheet 1, Job no. 351, date 12/12/25, rev. 1/10/26. "Revised April 9, 1930. Drawing made as constructed." "Recommended by D. R. Hull per T.C. Unit, Landscape Eng. N.P.S. Approved by Stephen T. Mather, Director, N.P.S." Scale: 3/4"=1'-0". "Dr. by A.P.B. Tr. by Brown. Ch. by P.R. Gage."
Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Floor plan, elevations, details and sections for guest cabin at Zion National Park, Utah. Includes plans and elevations for furtniture. "Drawn by MB. Tr. by NY. File No. 15182-I. Sheet #1. Job #258. Revised Aug. 27-24. Revised Dec. 29-24. Revised Mar. 27-28." "Recommended by D. R. Hull, Landscape Eng. N.P.S. Approved by Stephen T. Mather, Actg. Director, N.P.S." No original date on plan.
Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)