The groundbreaking ceremony for the Boulder City High School in Boulder City, Nevada. From left to right, the three men dressed in suits (front, left) are identified as follows: F. A. Latham, Elbert Edwards, and H. O. Watts (with shovel).
The collection is comprised of city council meeting minutes, articles of incorporation, and other materials spanning 1907 to 1918 that document the incorporation of the city of Searchlight, Nevada. Included in this collection is a bound ledger containing city council meeting minutes from January 1908 to December 1911; the Articles of Incorporation for Searchlight and the Official Act of Incorporation for Searchlight, Nevada; and correspondence and other records documenting the establishment of Searchlight as an incorporated city, establishment of a municipal election to elect public officials, and the separation of Searchlight from Lincoln County and the establishment of Clark County, which was made official in 1909 by act of the Nevada Legislature.
Parade of people on horseback ride through streets of Tonopah, Nevada on the Fourth of July. The man on the right holds an American flag. Identified closest to camera, left to right: "1. Phyllis Henderson 2. Byron Henderson." Inscribed on bottom of photo in black ink: "4th 1940"
A view of Eureka, Nevada sent in July 1913. The postcard was addressed to Mrs. Helen J. Stewart, Las Vegas, Nevada, Clark County and read: "July 17, 1913, Dear Mrs. Stewart, Some time since you saw this ? does it look natural to you? Am having a lovely visit, it is so nice and cool here. Lovingly, Anna B."