William Byrne was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. When he became mayor of Henderson, Nevada, he introduced gaming into the city through legislation in 1959.
Freda Klein was born on May 17, 1920. She graduated from the University of Washington in 1942, with a Bachelor of Arts degree. By the mid-1960s she was living in Las Vegas with her husband and three children. In 1966 she began her career with the State of Nevada Employment Security Department. She also returned to school, eventually earning a Master's degree at age 49 and a doctorate at age 59. In 1978 she became the head of the Office of the Employment Security Department in Henderson, Nevada.
Grace W. Byrne was the news editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s “Henderson” page for twelve years, from 1946 to 1958. Born in Omaha, Nebraska on January 4, 1908, Byrne was an active member of the community in Henderson, Nevada and Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Thomas L. Morgan Real Estate Development Records (1971-1997) relate to commercial and residential real estate development, primarily in Los Angeles, California and Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada. Materials consist of Hughes Development/Summa Corporation projects including the Hughes Center and Playa Vista in Los Angeles, California, and Summerlin and the Hughes Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. There are also extensive records related to the financing and development of Green Valley Ranch and Lake Las Vegas, projects Morgan helped develop through his private company, Thomas Morgan & Associates. Also represented are a number of casino-related projects for the Sands, the Frontier, the Landmark, and the Westgate hotel-casinos. Additional materials include general business records, handwritten notes and memoranda, and correspondence; Summa financial papers and forecasts; books on finance and a 1982 Desert Inn Master Plan architectural portfolio.
Archival Collection
Notice of the requirement of special registration by property and corporation land owners in Clark County to vote in the 1953 bond issue for the Water District. A list of registrars and registration places included on second page. The bond issue announcement and an itemized list of proposed expenditures to be paid from the bonds are referenced below.