Aerial View of upper Little Fish Lake Valley showing some of the planted grasses in the lower valleys and scattered pinyon/juniper along the slopes. (BLM photo by Bob Lund) (No exact date found)
From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series IV. Pahrump, Nevada -- Subseries IV.D. Wiley Family. In the years after Roland Wiley acquired John Yount's ranch in Pahrump Valley, Nevada, access was difficult. From Las Vegas the shortest route was to drive through Goodsprings over a paved road, then to Sandy Valley, which was a narrow gravel road; then to the Pahrump Valley and west on the Tecopa Road. The trip took 3-1/2 hours. Wiley notes that from the ranch, it was a 7-hour round trip drive into Las Vegas to buy a 10-cent screw. In 1941, Roland constructed the airstrip pictured here near the ranch in order to make access easier.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "[L. Foreground, old city hall. R. foreground, post office. Circular Park w/Boy scout structures (7)] "Aerial view of Las Vegas shows old park with race track (about where municipal swimming pool is) Small huts in group were Boy Scout huts made of stone. Scout troups met here surrounded by park taken middle or late 30's."- Dave Coons"