Flo Mlynarczyk poses in the kitchen of the Mesquite Club of Las Vegas during renovations. Site Name: Mesquite Clubhouse Street Address: 702 E Street Louis Avenue
Standing from left to right is Norma Brockman Ullom, Mrs. Madie Brockman, Norma's mother Mrs. Kendall, holding Nila and Nola Ullom. (Original description identifies Norma's mother as "Mrs. Kendall;" other sources identify Henrietta Brockman as Norma Brockman's mother.)
Mrs. Mabel 'Mom' Ullom, Mrs. Ovall (minister's wife) Las Vegas, December 18, 1947 and "The photo shop, home of dated prints, Las Vegas, Dec. 18, 1947" are stamped on the back of the photograph.
Laura stands at the base of a 1000 year old tree in Yosemite National Park. Inscription reads: "Laura at the foot of giant yellow pine tree - yosemite. This tree is said to be 1000 years old and about 300 feet high."
Edith Warren Corliss at 18 years old in 1882. Family history with image reads: "Later married and became Mrs Edwin Giles. [Edith Warren Corliss Giles] is the mother of Edith Corliss Giles... who married and became Mrs John Lucas Cadogan. [Edith Corliss Giles Cadogan and John Lucas Cadogan] had daughter Jane Alice Cadogan, who was born in Mazatlan, Mexico in the year 1931."
Clyde Barcus and Edith Giles Barcus. Inscription reads: "Photo taken shortly after their marriage. They went to Seattle were Clyde had lived at one time."
Group of women posed while boarding a Bonanza Air Lines plane. Florence Murphy is third from left, Alta Ham stands second from left, Anna Fayle at very top of steps.
Several pose and wave as they board a Bonanza Air Lines airplane. Standing on the far left is Alta Ham, third from left is Delphine Squires, fourth from left is Florence Murphy. At very top of steps is Anna Fayle.
Front row, standing: A. E. Hubbard; seated, left to right: Mary Ellen Hubbard, J. E. Hubbard, Maurine Hubbard. Back row left to right, J. B. Hubbard, Ola B. Hubbard, F. B. Hubbard, Ida Mae Hubbard.