Aerial view of Las Vegas and Union Pacific Railroad yards.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from back of photo: "[Identified by Dave Coons as LV Valley w/UPRR yards in Foreground. Late 1920s?] [Kim Geary - Roberts IDs ca 1931. EP 6-21-84]."
Train ran to Noonday and Gunsight Mines; short-lived mines and railroad. Myrick RR of Nevada Eastern & Calif. This photo may have been taken in Ca, as that's where it was incorporated. Caption: Old Engine at Tecopa, Calif.
San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad yards, located within the Las Vegas Valley, opposite Clark's Las Vegas Townsite. Clark's Townsite is visible and at right is Las Vegas Ice and Manufacturing Company. Site Name: Las Vegas Ice and Manufacturing Company (Las Vegas, Nev.)