American photographer Glenn Augustus Davis was born March 22, 1894 in Portland, Oregon. He attended school in Oregon and Washington prior to working in the lumber camps and saw mills of Washington and British Columbia. He served in the US Army from 1915 to 1920. He was a member of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) on the Western Front in France during World War I. In the years following the war, Davis returned to the US and worked as a cook, a cotton grower, and a seaman before following his passion for photography.
James H. Down Jr. was born on December 19, 1907 to James H. Down Sr. and Eva Lucille Young in
Michigan. Down Jr. married Lucille McKenzie on August 31, 1931. He served as head of the Clark County
Chamber of Commerce, and later as Justice of the Peace in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was also a member of the Las Vegas Housing Authority for thirty-four years. He died on January 21, 1981 in Las Vegas.
James H. Down Jr. Photograph Collection, approximately 1915-1940. PH-00015. Special Collections
Lucille Down was born December 14, 1911 in Wellington, Kansas. She moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1919 when her dad was an employee of the Union Pacific Railroad. After graduating from Las Vegas High School, she worked for the Southern Nevada Telephone Company. Down married her husband, James, in 1931 and she was a housewife ever since. Down passed away February 27, 2007.
County Commissioner and business owner James H. Down Sr. (1877-1946) was born in Michigan on September 20, 1877. After the death of both of his parents, he was adopted by Walter A. Down. In 1907 James H. Down married his first wife, Rogena Mahar. They moved to Nevada in 1916 and settled in Goodsprings, Nevada where he worked for George A. Fayle. In 1923, Down relocated to Las Vegas and operated a garage. He opened a Studebaker automobile dealership at the corner of Main and Carson Streets in downtown Las Vegas. In Las Vegas, James H. Down Sr.
Denise Duarte was born in 1960 and is an activist and artist in Nevada. She led the Nevada Women's Lobby and Stand OUT for Equality, both important advocacy groups for women's and LGBTQ+ rights in Nevada.
Kristine Fisher is the Director of Operations in charge of Student Affairs Strategic Planning & Assessment at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Fisher, Kristine. "Kristene Fisher, B.A. - People." University of Nevada, Las Vegas website. Accessed on July 31, 2020.
Brian Firth is the co-founder of the comedy band the Dummkopfs. Firth is a trumpeter, first starting to play professionally at age twenty-one. He played primarily in the United Kingdom with a group called the Nitwits. The Nitwits came to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1967 to perform at the Lido de Paris and stayed for a few years. After the break up of the Nitwits, Brian joined the Mickey Finn Band. He played with them for fifteen years before he and his wife Suzy created the Dummkopfs.
Ruth Cooper Ferron was the wife of William E. Ferron and a former president of the Mesquite Club in Las Vegas, Nevada. She was born in 1893. In 1917, she married William Ferron in Salt Lake City, Utah and the two lived in a home on the corner of 4th and Fremont for many years, close to the family's drug store. She is also the mother of Barbara Ferron Doyle and Shirley Elizabeth Ferron Swanson. Ruth Cooper Ferron died in 1990.