Cartoon of an unshaven man in tattered clothing carrying a suitcase and bundle on a stick walking past a dual signpost. He is walking in the direction of the sign labeled "Home" while the sign above it points in the opposite direction towards "Las Vegas." Caption: "I should be home soon." "P33714."
Exterior of Fong's Garden restaurant, Las Vegas, Nevada. On back: "Fong's Garden, 2021 E. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, Nev." "SC3523." Site Name: Fong's Garden (Las Vegas, Nev.) Street Address: 2021 East Charleston Boulevard
Illustration of the exterior of the Las Vegas Club on Fremont Street in Las Vegas, Nevada. Caption on back: "Largest sign west of Chicago." "SK6593." Site Name: Las Vegas Club (Las Vegas, Nev.) Street Address: 18 East Fremont Street