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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 22, 1974






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 3 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000065. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    SENATE dSJjiiUG ,/lU TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, l y j h AGE IT DA I • Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of iinutes IV. Executive Officers Comments President s Remarks Vice-President's Remarks treasurer's Report Y m P ava rv*. i + f a a D o n v +• r* screening lommntee Centennial Committee VI. Old Business Approve Student Union Operating Policy Approve Presidential dominations VII. New Business Presidential Nominations Review Yell Stipends VIII. Information Next Senate rleeting SENATE MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 197^ I. Meeting was called to order by Joe Karaffa at 5:15 p.m. II. Roll call was taken Motion by Frank DiSanza to include the Executive Officers, Val Buhecker, Joseph Karaffa and Jill Novak in the roll call. Seconded by Alfred Kingham Motion carries III. Minutes Motion by Rafael Lara to accept and approve the minutes as is. Seconded by Dave Elkins Motion carries IV. Executive Officers Comments A. Val Buhecker, CSUN President, welcomed the new Senators and invited them to participate in the various committees and to stop by the CSUN Office at any time. B. Joe Karaffa, CSUN Vice-President & Presiding Officer, informed the CSUN Senate of their function and welcomed all nex7 Senators. C. Jill Novak, CSUN Treasurer, welcomed the new Senators. V. Committee Reports A. Election Board The Chair presented the letter of certification from Jean Giles and the tally of the Senate elections. B. Screening Committee Ray Carrillo reported the following were screened and approved. Marie Shea for Legal Counsel Search Committee, Stan Wardle for the Day Care Center Board and George Apfal for the Mass Communications Board. Motion by Ray Carrillo to approve Marie Shea, Stan Wardle and George Apfal to serve on the various Boards. Seconded by Eugene Belin Motion carries C. Centennial Committee Curtis Haggard reported the committee had turned in a list of suggested activities to the Activity Board. _ 1 „ The Chair stated the work 01" the committee had been accomplished and, at this tine, the committee was dissolved. The Chair thanked Lr. Haggard and asked that the thanks be passed on to all committee member? for their efforts. VI . Old Bus iness A. Student Union Operating Policy The Chair stated the Student Union Operating Policy had not been looked over by a majority of the Senators, therefore, he would like to wait until the next Senate meeting so the new Senators could have an opportunity to look over the policy VII. New Business A. Presidential i>Iominat ions Val Buhecker nominated the fcllowinr 1. Day Care Center Board -• larry ICiser 2. Student Bill of Rights Committee - Mr Buhecker v?.' not prepared to nominate at this time. He stated he would 1' ike to see some new Senators before appointing the Committee. B. Review Yell Stipends Motion by Dave Elkins to recess for five minutes. Seconded by Ray Carrillc Motion carries Meeting was called back to order at 6:35 p-m. The Chair opened the fleer for discussion oi the Yell Ftipends Motion by Marie Shea to endorse the memorandum sent to the Yell Editors by the Vice-President regardinr the stipends paid out of their Operating Expenses, however, in the future go back to the established procedure. Seconded by Dave Elkins Dis cufs ion Motion before the floor carries Motion by Rafael Lara to send back tc the Appropriations Committee, the Publications portion of the CSU^I budget for re-evaluation and report to the Senate of its findings for the Senates review and approval. - 2 - Motion by Eugene Belin to approve the stipends as .. ov->, which were presented by Val Buhecker. Editor & Chief $100 Typist $80 Managing Editor $100 Distributor $60 Business Manager $100 Page Editor $25 Sports Editor $75 Staff Writers $15 Layout Editor $75 Photo Editor $75 Seconded by Alfred Kingham Di s cus sion Amendment to the main motion by Rafael Lara to change the typist salary to a limit of $U00 per month instead of $100 to be paid out of Ad Revenue for the month of October only. Seconded by Rcty Carrillo Discussion Call for the question by Fraik DiSanzi Seconded by Rosalynn Ramye Motion carries Roll call vots requested by Rafael Lara on the to the mai_. motion. Discussion Call for the question by Rosalynn Ramey Seconded by Frank DJ.Sanza Motion carries Roll call vote requested by Rosalynn Ramey on the main motion. - 3 - Ray Carrillo Abstain E'.gene Belin K. Rafael Lara Yes Scott Marcus Yts Rosalynn Ramey Yes Shirley Lindsey No Gale Geer No Gra- e Cavey Yes Richard Gutieriez Abstain Alfrcl Kingham Abstain Curtis Hagg rd No Frank DiSanza No Marie Shea Yes David Elkins lea Ernest V: .ling res Kay Dickson Yes Se« \ McVey No H*rl?nda Salazar Abstain Motion carries 8 ves. 6 no. abstain Ray Carrillo Yes Eugene Belin .Abstain Rafael Lara Yes Scott Marcus ">s Rosalynn Ramey Yes Shirley Lindsey No Gale Geer No Graeme Cavey Yes Richard Gutierrez Yes Alfrel Kingham Yes Curtis Haggard Abstain ^'ank DiSanza No Marie Shea Yes Lavi<? Eik-ns Yes E nest Vining Yes Kev Dickson Yes Scan McVe r Yes H- r? iuda Salazar A'\ st Motion carries, 12 yas, 3 no, 3 abst in VIII. Nev Business A. Submit By-Law Curtis Haggard submitted a by-law to the By-Law Committee. B. Senate Seat Nominations 1. I'.ii.vrs? \y c~." -ge Sean McVey nominated Terry Thorn?; and Richard Rickwartz Kay Dickson n-mirated Karen Ceja and Nita'Townson Herlinda Salazar nominated Gayle Medina Flection Board - Reapportionment Rafael Lara reauested the findings of tve Elect ion Board on reapportionment be presented to the Senate. The Chair informed Mr. Lara the findings were available to the Senators in the CSUN Office at any time. Motion by Rafael Lara to adjourn Seconded by Curtis Hagpard Motion carries Meeting was adjourned at 6:U5 p.m. C o n s o l i d a t e d S t u d e n t s UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY 89154 TELEPHONE (702) 739-3477 STATEMENT OF THE ELECTION BOARD October 18, 1971* On Thursday night, October 17» 1971*, we the members of the Election Board officially counted and certified the CSUN Senate Election results as follows: V HOTEL MANAGEMENT Alfred Kingham Graeme Cavey MATH & SCIENCE David Elkins Frank DiSanza UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Kay Dickson Ernest Vining Sean McVey Herlinda Salazar FRESHMAN CLASS Kevin Cole ALLIED HEALTH Gale Geer ARTS & LETTERS Curtis Haggard Marie Shea Richard Gutierrez BUSINESS Eugene Belin Scott Marcus EDUCATION Shirley Lindsey Those Election Board members present to count the ballots were: Jean Giles, Dennis Casteel, Joe Mann, Carson Maddison Administrative Representative present was Dr. Dean Black. We certify these elections as legal and binding. Jean Giles, Chairperson Election Board /pl C o n s o l i d a t e d S t u d e n l t s UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY 89154 TELEPHONE (702) 739-3477 October 22, 1971* MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Stoldal, CSUN Publications Editor FROM: Joseph M. Karaffa, CSUN Vice-President SUBJECT: Yell Stipends It has come to my attention there have been several infringements on past CSUN senate approved business. Jill Novak, CSUN Treasurer, informed me that $800 was paid for stipends to the Yell staff out of the General Expense portion of the budget. This payment is against the CSUN budget as approved by the Senate. In that budget it states that stipends will be paid out of 50$ Yell revenue and 35$ magazine revenue raised from solicited ads. (Copy of publi-cations budget attached) This is against the intent of the CSUN budget, CSUN Constitution and parlimentary procedure. The second infringement is over the Mass Communications Board approving salaries for members of the Yell staff. This is also against parlimentary procedure and the CSUN Constitution. The Senate has full responsibility and authority to approve stipends, therefore, these paid stipends will be brought to the Senate's attention for their evaluation. Please note the following quoted from the CSUN Constitution: Article VII, Part 10, Section D, Paragraph 3. "All appropriations of CSUN funds and those funds described in Article VII, Section 10, Paragraph A, Subsection 3, excepting any funds appropriated by the Board of Regents, must either be approved or disapproved by the Senate Appropriations Committee" before being voted upon by the Senate. If appropriations are approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee, then a simple majority vote will constitute Senate approval. If the Senate Appropriations Committee disapproves an appropriation, then approval by the Senate will require a 2/3 vote of the membership present." For your information, the function of the Mass Communications Board is that of an Executive Ad Hoc Committee, which means that the Mass Communication Board has no power for final approval of such matters. The Mass Communication Board reports its findings to the Executive Officers. From that point the Executive Officers can make recommendations to the Senate. The Senate has final approval over all stipends. Memo to Robert Stoldal October 22, 197^ Page 2 In hope that this letter will not be one of aggrevation to the Yell and the Mass Communication Board, it is my intention to allow the previously paid stipends. Do not feel that this means further stipend requests will be handled in the same manner or paid from the General Expense portion of the Yell budget because they will not. The Treasurer and I are in agreement on this point and will refuse to sign stipend requests from any budget portion other than those approved by the CE>UN Senate. cc: Dave Kelly, CSUN Publications Asst. Editor Alan Frazier, Business Manager Serge McCabe, Chairman, Mass Communications Board CSUN Senate Val S. Buhecker, CSUN President Jill Novak, CSUN Treasurer If you have any questions please call i+TT-JMK: pi Ja&eph'M. Karaf fa (•SUN Vice-President