James Cashman, Sr. with his granddaughter Rhonda looking at Cashman's counter-picket display set up in front of his store in Las Vegas, Nevada. Group Contributor credit goes to Camera & Hobby Shop.
The view of James Cashman, Sr. counter-picket on the strike against Cashman in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here, a picket involving a "monkey business" sign is positioned in front of Cashman's store. Group Contributor credit goes to Camera & Hobby Shop.
The counterpicket on the strike against Chashman. Here, a picket involving a shaded seating area has a sign that reads: "The 'friendly' picket post. We take good care of our pickets."
James Cashman, Sr.'s counterpicket on the strike against Chashman. Here, the picket involving a donkey has a sign that reads: "I'm a picket too, but 'I have a reason.' I'm a 'real' jackass."
Handwritten descriptions provided on back of image: "Nevada Citizens Committee, Right to Work law. L-R: James Henderson (owns LV Sand and Gravel), James Cashman, and an unidentified man." Alex Struthers & Co. is credited as the photograph's creator.
The view of an unidentified man (left) and Jim Cashman (right) posing in front of oil barrels, probably Las Vegas. Courtesy Shell Oil Co., Press Bureau is credited as the photograph's creator.
Handwritten description provided on back of image: "L-R: James Cashman, Sr.; Harlaw Curtis, President of General Motors Corp." Curtis is wearing a Buick button.
Handwritten description provided on back of image: "Fifteen year pin to Firestone by Cashman." Autograph on the front of the image reads: "To Jim Cashman with kindest personal regards - Leonard V. Firestone. July 30, 1946."
Handwritten description provided on back of image: "L - R: Leonard Firestone, Charles Traweek, James Cashman." J. A. Townfend is credited as the photograph's creator.