Marshall Wright is surrounded by several individuals during a press reception in Calgary, Alberta. Stamped on the back of the photograph, "J. Rosettis, photographer, 3804 15th Street S. W., Calgary, Phone 31590".
Some of the same women from the previous photos pose in front of the SP, LA, and SL Railroad Depot in Las Vegas. [Taken in the early 1900s] To see the other images of women in front of the depot, reference 0266-022-023, pho026002-pho026003. The women may be "Harvey Girls," waitresses who worked at Fred Harvey's Harvey House restaurants.
Members of the Ninety-Nines, a non-profit international organization for women pilots. In order to be in the club, women had to have a flying license. The club was started by Amelia Earhart. "Margaret Moore is next to D.D. upper right (#6 standing). Margaret was one of the presidents [of the club]" (identified by Dorothy Dorothy 11-1-84). The photographer of the image was Wayne Kinnie.
The "Temple Beth Sholom Women's League records" series mainly consists of by-laws, correspondence, invitations, newsletters, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, profit and loss statements, photographs, and event planning documents created or collected by Miriam "Mimi" Katz in the course of her work for the league from 2001 to 2006.
New Women's state prison built in 1964 on the grounds of the old state prison in Carson City, Nevada. Snow-capped mountains are visible in the distance and desert shrubs are seen on the grounds surrounding the jail.