The Las Vegas City Manager informs Union Pacific Railroad that it would no longer be providing the one million gallons of effluent to the Las Vegas Ranch for use in irrigation.
View of the Flamingo Hotel and Casino, including a full parking lot. The Champagne Tower is seen on the right. Stamped on original: "Please credit Union Pacific Railroad Photo, Public Relations Department, 422 West 6th St., Los Angeles 14, Calif, File Print Stock, Los Angeles Neg."
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Front entrance of the Thunderbird including the porte-cochère. Stamped on original: "Please credit Union Pacific Railroad Photo, Public Relations Department, 422 West 6th St., Los Angeles 14, Calif, File Print Stock, Los Angeles Neg."
Site Name: Thunderbird Hotel
Address: 2755 Las Vegas Boulevard South
The temporary expedients they used to bring the new well into production, like the makeshift settling pond, needed to be permanently settled before the state and county health authorities got involved. The office of Mr. Osborne and Engineer McKee is mentioned.