From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). There are many signs and posters among the crowd. One of the signs read, "NO NUKES". Looks like it is possibly raining during protest.
The Nevada Desert Experience Records (1951-2009) are comprised of files from the anti-nuclear organization, the Nevada Desert Experience (NDE), as well as its predecessor, the Sagebrush Alliance, and those of earlier unincorporated protests at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Materials include board of directors meeting minutes, financial records, scrapbooks, personnel records, event speeches, correspondence, newspaper clippings, cartoons and other artwork, newsletters, brochures, fliers, research files on nuclear issues and other anti-nuclear organizations, and congressional testimony. The records also contain audiovisual materials, photographic prints and slides, screenplays, manuscripts, and newspapers related to the NDE's media efforts.
Archival Collection
While Las Vegas was experiencing a water shortage, the Las Vegas Land and Water Company should not protest the drilling of new wells as this might incite hostility. A water district may be formed that would be able to prevent unwise drilling.
From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). The protest sign reads, "Hell no we won't glow"