Culinary Union workers strike at the Frontier Hotel and Casino in August of 1991. Strikers are seen with signs marching in a parking lot. The American flag is shown multiple times, along with a portable restroom with a multiple protesting sign, including one depicting Margaret Elardi. Police officers are also seen on site. The Frontier marquee is depicted and reads: "Welcome Boilermakers, players bar 10am to 10pm, boilermakers 50 cents, bottle beer 25 cents."Arrangement note: Series I. Demonstrations, Subseries I.A. Frontier Strike Site name: Frontier Hotel and Casino
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: This second of two rallies based at the Center was called to protest passage of California's anti-same-sex marriage legislation, Proposition 8, in early November 2008. For details of the two rallies see Dennis McBride journal entries November 16, November 23, and December 21, 2008. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: Deneen "Dee" Atwood