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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-128


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    price within sixty days thereafter. Work to begin within thirty days after letting of contract and completed rot later than ninety days thereafter. such contracts shall contain such further conditions and provisions as the Board of City Commissioner may reasonable require. the vote upon said resolution being as follows towit : Commissioners Griffith, aye, Curtiss, aye, Smith aye, and his honor the Mayor W.E. Hawkins, voting aye. There being no further business before the Board at this time it was upon motion being duly made and carried ordered that this Board stand adjourned until Wednesday January 14th, at ten o'clock A.M. to take up and consider any and all business that may come before it. Office of the City Clerk Las Vegas Nevada. January 14th, A.D. 1914. At a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas Nevada, held pursuant to adjournment on the above mentioned date. Present Hon. W.E. Hawkins Mayor, and Commiss­ioners Curtiss, Griffith, Smith, and Sullivan. At this time a committee of Ladies of the City of Las Vegas appeared before the Board and presented a petition to the Board protesting against the issuance of any more retail saloon licenses in the City of Las Vegas Nevada and further requesting Shat said number be limited to ten saloons whereupon motion of commissioner Griffith and seconded by Commissioner smith it was ordered that said petition be placed on file with the Clerk of this Board the vote on said motion was follows towit:- Commissioner Griffith, aye, Curtiss, aye, Smith aye, Sullivan aye, and hi s honor the Mayor voting aye. Upon Motion of Commissioner Griffith and seconded by Commissioner Smith it was ordered by the Board that the City be and is hereby instructed to prepare an ordinance and have the same ready at the next regular meeting of the Board in February 1914. to limit the number of saloon license in said City to ten or less, the vote on said resolution being as follows towit:- Commissioner Griffith, aye, Curtiss, No, smith aye, Sullivan, No, and his honor the Mayor voting aye. At this time the Clerk informed the Board that he had three applications for permits for retail liquor establishments in said City by the following named person towit. James and Miller for a permit in the Nevada Hotel building on Fremont street, John Medine on first street in block 16. snips and Davidson in block 16 in said City whereupon motion of Commissioner Griffith and seconded by Commissioner Smith it was ordered that applications go over until the next regular meeting of the Board. the vote being as follows towit:- Griffith, aye, Curtiss, no, Smith aye. Sullivan No. and his honor the Mayor voting aye. At this time the Clerk read before the Board a request from the San Pedro Los Angeles and Salt Lake R.R. Co. asking for a permit to run a spur track down Bridger street from the Company property on Main street to block 20 in said City for a period until July 1st, A.D. 1914. upon motion of Commissioner Griffith and seconded by commissioner Smith it was ordered that permit be granted and the City Attorney is hereby instructed to draw up said permit the same to be approved by the City attorney, Mayor and City Clerk. the vote being as follows towit:- Griffith, aye, Curtiss, aye, Smith, aye, Sullivan aye. and his honor the Mayor voting aye. The question of the City procuring rights and and privileges over unplotted streets and alleys in the said City coming on before the Board it was upon motion of commissioner Smith and seconded by Curtiss ordered that the City attorney be and is hereby instructed to get said permission and rights on behalf of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada. the vote on said resolution being as follows towit