In 2011, Ian and Shanna Anderson moved into their McNeil Estates home with their two young children. Though both of the children born-and-raised Nevadan, neither Ian nor Shanna is. However, as the couple explains in this interview, letting their roots grow in Las Vegas has been quite easy. Ian has lived in Las Vegas since 1997 and Shanna since 2008. Ian was raised in Central corridor of Phoenix, where he explains he was in the minority as a white person. Shanna, by contrast, is a native of Ann Arbor, Michigan. They met, married at Taliesin West (Scottsdale, AZ) and settled in Las Vegas, where both work in the office furniture industry. Shanna and Ian share a passion for design, especially midcentury modern design. So when they felt the need to move from their Summerlin home, they looked for a house in the center of the city. Something clicked when they saw 2601 Mason Avenue. It was a burnt out shell of a dwelling, but their vision of what could be became a tale of imagination and patie
'United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. Open-file report 84-130, plate 4.' 'Prepared in cooperation with the Clark County Department of Comprehensive Planning.' 'Base from U.S. Geological Survey 1:100,000 , Boulder City, Ariz.-Nev., Las Vegas, Nev.-Calif., Mesquite Lake, Nev.-Calif., 1978, Lake Mead, Nev.-Ariz., 1979.' Geology from Malmberg (1965); Longwell and others (1965); Bell and Smith (1980); and J. R. Harrill, 1979.' Shows township and range lines. Scale [ca. 1:95.040. 1 in.=approx. 1.5 miles] (W 115°30´--W 115°00´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). . Series: Open-file report (Geological Survey (U.S.)) 84-130. Originally published as plate 4 of Ground-water conditions in Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada. Part I. Hydrogeologic framework / by Russell W. Plume, published by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1984 as Open-file report 84-130.
Oral history interview with Robin Greenspun conducted by Barbara Tabach on February 09, 2017 for the Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project. In this interview, Greenspun discusses her family background and growing up in Las Vegas, Nevada. She talks about her early interest in the arts, working in television productions, and becoming a film director.