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    Q UITC LAIM DSHD T. GAY KYKRS and AGUES 2YBRS, husband and wife, aa to a l/3 intaraat) CLARENCE A. STAY, JR, aka CLARENCE STAY, JR., aa to a l/l2 intaraat). CLINTON E. STAY and FRANCIS STAY, husband and wife aa to a 1/8 intaraat) EVStYN MARTIN, aa to a 1/12 intaraat) ELIZA J« RUCKER, aa to a l/3 intaraat, the undersigned, for and in con* aldaration of tha eua of Ona Dollar (fl.O O ), raoalpt of which la hereby acknowledged, do by thase presents haraby release, r e m i s e , sa il and forever quitclaim unto tha CITY OF LAS VEGAS, a Municipal Corporation of tha County of Clark, State of Nevada, a ll our right titla and intaraat in and to tho following daaoribad proparty, to wi 11 i|f§§|Jillilf A car tain tract or pareol of land, lyin g and bolng aituata in the County o f Clark, Stata o f Nevada, and baing a portion of the South­east one-quarter IS I# o f Section 27, Township 20 South, Range 61 Eaat, M.D#B*AJf, and baing more p a rticu la rly described aa fo llo w s, to Witt Commencing at tho Southeast corner o f tho Northeast one-quarter p l | l o f Section 27, Tom ship 20 South, Range @1 Eaat, l*D*B*AM) thence South 88°42* la s t , along tha South lin o o f tho Northeast one-quarter f i l l ! o f said Section 27, a distance o f 340,35 fe a t to tha northwest corner o f that ear tain parcel of land conveyed to Byron 0, Thornton and Luella B, Thorn ton, hie w lfa , by tha Corporation o f tha Presiding Bishop o f tha Church o f Joaua Christ o f tha Latter Day Saints, recorded June 19, 1953, a a Document Ho* 407234, in tho O ffice o f tho bounty Rocordor of ^Iwpk County, Nevada, tho true point o f boginning) theneo Southerly along tho West lin e th ereof, a distance o f SO fo o t to a point) thence South 88®42* Rest, and p a ra lle l to and 80 fe a t South o f tha South lin o o f tha Rertheaet ona-quarter (HE|) of amid Section 27, a distance o f IBS* 30 fe e t to a point) thence tangent from the la at described course a l o n g a curve turning to the rig h t, having a radius o f 274*87 fe e t , and subtending a central angle of 18®12*40", an arc length o f 87*87 fe a t to a point o f reverse curve turning to tha l e f t , having a radius o f 224*57 fe a t, and subtending a central angle o f 18®10f4O", an arc length o f 71*38 fe e t to a point, said point being 28 fe e t southerly o f me South lin e o f tha Northeast one-quarter (K it) c f sold lectio n 27)Sthsnee South 88b # i» west, and p a ra lle l to and 25 fe e t South o f tho South lin e o f said Section 27 to a point on the Beat lin e o f that certain parcel o f land cone veyed to Southern Nevada Sower Company by id . 1* Clark, at a l, re ­corded October 19, 1943, aa Document No* 172803, in the O ffice o f the Dinuity Recorder o f Clark County, Nevada) thence North along tho la a t lin e thereof a d is ta n o e o f 25 fe e t to the South lin e o f tho Northeast one-quarter (NB|) o f said Section 27) theneo North 80642* Eaat, a dlatanea o f 417*40 fo o t to the ferae point o f be­ginning* ? • S p ^ f •••=».-•• W§§, the following described usee end purposest Street Purposes 1