26 x 32 cm. Relief shown by hachures. "Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1867 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the Clerks Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania." Includes decorative border of grape vines. Shows Tucson as capital of Arizona; shows various trails including Cook's Wagon Route, Marcy's Route, and Kearney's Route. Written in pencil in lower right corner: 135. Original publisher: S.A. Mitchell.
Bureau of Reclamation Photographs of the Hoover Dam and Boulder City, Nevada
To request this item in person:
Collection Number: PH-00071 Collection Name: Bureau of Reclamation Photographs of the Hoover Dam and Boulder City, Nevada Box/Folder: Folder 07 (Restrictions apply)
The black and white view of Howard Hughes' Lockheed 14 aircraft after performing its final landing on the Round the World flight at Floyd Bennett Airport, New York. Description printed on back of photograph: "Howard Hughes leaving his plane after flight around the world in three days, 19 hours and 17 minutes 7/14/38"