Note: Cover has portrait of George Washington, menu includes program and 4 verses of the song "America" Menu insert: Event programs Restaurant: Union League Club (Chicago, Ill.) Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Note: Menu bound with red and gold ribbons; ribbons threaded through cuts in cover to blend in with illustration of ribbon and pansies on cover. Menu has deckled edges Restaurant: Wayne Hotel Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States
Note: Bound with olive green cord. Cover is made of translucent onionskin paper embossed with a spider web pattern. Includes wine list Menu insert: Wine lists; Spirits Lists Restaurant: Sherman House Location: Mt. Clemens, Michigan, United States
Note: Ivory ribbon wrapped diagonally around menu and threaded through vertical die-cuts. Includes music program. Meal time given as "1 to 2:30." Menu insert: Music Programs Restaurant: Hotel Julien Location: Dubuque, Iowa, United States
Note: Pink ribbon; scalloped edges. Small inset illustration on cover of people carrying food and table settings Restaurant: Boody House Hotel Location: Toledo, Ohio, United States
Note: Red cord; lower right corner of front page is turned up and fastened with a tiny white bow; includes music program Menu insert: Music Programs Restaurant: Jefferson Hotel (Toledo, Ohio) Location: Toledo, Ohio, United States
Note: Red cord; illustrated with oak branches and leaves, acorns; ivory, rose and light blue marbled paper; page 4 folds over from left side of page 5 Restaurant: St. Nicholas Hotel (Springfield, Ill.) Location: Springfield, Illinois, United States
Note: Red cord and tassel; illustrated with oak branches and leaves, acorns; ivory, rose and light blue marbled paper; page 5 folds over from left side of page 6. Verse from "At the Opera House" on page 3 Restaurant: Hotel Throop Location: Topeka, Kansas, United States
Note: Ye Old Thanksgiving Day hunting scene on cover; Jack-o-lantern on cover; ivory, rose and light blue marbled paper. Includes music program Menu insert: Music Programs Restaurant: Chittenden Hotel Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States