Pg.24 #2558 General view of Himix, including Blending Plant silos at left rear of picture. March 1st, 1934. Pg.24 #2543 Looking downstream in lower No. 2 plug, showing form work. Feb. 20th, 1934. Pg.24 #2542 Excavation for bridge abutment in Arizona Spillway. Feb. 29th, 1934. Pg.24 #2539 Close-up of Cooling Pipe Layout in Panel H-3. Feb. 20th, 1934.
Pg.26 #2581 Foundation forms for the Arizona Power House, taken from the Nevada Valve House Bench. March 16th, 1934. Pg.26 #2599 Forms for Arizona Power House retaining wall. March 14th, 1934. Pg.26 #2617 Telephoto view of foundation forms for the Arizona Power House, taken from Lookout Point. April 1st, 1934. Pg.26 #2610 View looking into Power House block A-5. March 28th, 1934.
Pg.27 #2568 Union Pacific "Train of Tomorrow" on the Lomix Trestle, at the upstream face of Boulder Dam, where the concrete is transferred from Lomix trains to the Dam. March 9th, 1934. Pg.27 #2589 View taken from No. 2 Arizona derrick, showing Nevada Spillway in the background. March 24th, 1934. Pg.27 #2616 Looking upstream in Number 4 raise and plug. March 28th, 1934.
Pg.57 #2963 No.5 Intake Tower finished to Elevation 1232, showing curtain wall. Dec. 5th, 1934. Pg.57 #3009 Telephoto looking downstream into the Arizona Spillway, showing construction of the spillway bridge. Jan. 8th, 1935. Pg.57 #2980 Looking upstream at the upper end of No.1 plug, showing forms for the Intake Transition. Dec. 19th, 1934. Pg.57 #2977 Looking upstream into No.1 plug, showing the placing of the high pressure valves and method of pouring. Dec. 19th, 1934.
Pg.58 #2993 Form work on the Nevada Valve House bench. Jan. 2nd, 1934. Pg.58 #2971 Telephoto view of Nevada Powerhouse units. Dec. 19th, 1934. Pg.58 #2995 Arizona Valve House from the center of the low catwalk. Jan. 2nd, 1935. Pg.58 #2973 Telephoto view of Arizona Powerhouse units. Dec. 19th, 1934.
Pg.63 #3062 Boulder Dam, looking upstream. Feb. 1st, 1935. Pg.63 #3028 Upstream face of Boulder Dam, looking downstream from the upstream cofferdam. Arizona Intake Towers on left, Nevada Intake Towers to the right. Jan. 28th, 1935. Pg.63 #3038 Looking across the downstream face of Boulder Dam, showing the utility towers and elevator shaft. Jan. 28th, 1935.
Pg.94 #3476 Looking upstream in Nevada Valve House. Note installation of needle valves and gates. Sept. 27, 1935. Pg.94 #3478 Looking upstream, on roof of Nevada Valve House. Steel rails in place, ready for pouring concrete slab. Sept. 27, 1935. Pg.94 #3473 Looking into Arizona Spillway Raise. Jumbo is being used for grouting, back of concrete lining. Sept. 27, 1935.
Pg.17 #2509 Close-up of Boulder Dam. View taken from the Arizona side, looking upstream. Jan. 24th, 1932. Pg.17 #2514 Close-up of slot at the Upstream Face of Boulder Dam. Jan. 24th, 1934 Pg.17 #2512 Downstream face of Boulder Dam, showing foundation for Central Wing of the Power House. Jan. 24th, 1934. Pg.17 #2510 Upstream face of Boulder Dam. Jan. 24th, 1934.
Pg.95 #3553 View from the crest of Boulder Dam, looking downstream toward the Power House and lower portals of Diversion tunnels. Nov. 26, 1935. Pg.95 #3527 Boulder Dam and Power House, looking upstream from Nevada side. Note reservoir and Fortification Hill in background. Nov. 23, 1935. Pg.95 #3545 View from reservoir, looking downstream at Boulder Dam and Intake Towers. Nov. 26, 1935.