The James "Dee" Donithan Collection of Nevada Test Site Photographs (approximately 1970-1999) consist of 8x10 photographs depicting flowers, landscapes, wildlife, workers, work sites, and testing equipment at the Nevada Test Site. The photographs were printed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Mercury, Nevada, and collected into a binder by James "Dee" Donithan.
Archival Collection
The Historic American Buildings Survey of Kiel Ranch Photograph Collection contains 45 black-and-white photographs of the buildings on Kiel Ranch from 1988. The buildings documented by the collection are the park mansion, the adobe structure, an old house, the foreman's house, a shed referred to as the "Doll House," a brown house, a cinderblock house, a wooden duplex, and a livestock shed.
Archival Collection
From left to right: William G. Price, Hal Erickson, and Barbara Price at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Mr. And Mrs. Price are donating a rare collection of photos of Hoover Dam taken by Mrs. Price's step-father, Ernest Mitchell Pratt.
The UNLV Libraries Collection of California Hotel and Casino Publicity and Promotional Materials includes Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-Q, press kits, press releases, promotional materials, and newspaper and magazine clippings for California Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, dating from 1974 to 2002.
Archival Collection
The UNLV Libraries Collection on Claes Oldenburg's
Archival Collection
The UNLV Libraries Collection of Thunderbird Hotel and Casino Promotional and Publicity Materials (approximately 1964-1973) consist of news releases, event programs, ephemera, and publicity materials for the Thunderbird Hotel and Casino.
Archival Collection
UNLV Libraries Collection of Fitzgeralds Hotel and Casino Promotional and Publicity Materials includes newspaper and magazine clippings, a press kit, and promotional materials for Fitzgeralds in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Tunica, Mississippi, dating from 1991 to 2001.
Archival Collection
The Beda Cornwall Collection on the Citizen's Library Association of Las Vegas consists of material gathered by Beda Brennecke Cornwall that documents the activities of the Citizen's Library Association of Las Vegas during the years 1941 to 1973. Most of the materials document the efforts by the citizens group to raise money in the community to build and sustain a new public library in Las Vegas, Nevada. The remaining part of the collection relates to local and statewide libraries and biographical materials on Beda Cornwall and her husband through various documents and scrapbooks of newspaper clippings.
Archival Collection
The UNLV Libraries Collection of MGM Mirage Corporation Promotional Materials and Reports includes promotional materials, newspaper and magazine clippings, financial reports, annual reports, diversity reports, press releases, and press kits for the MGM Mirage Corporation in Las Vegas, Nevada, dating from 1973 to 2007.
Archival Collection