When applying for a permit for the water from the new artesian well they needed to be careful not to apply for more than the actual flow, minus the amount of water needed for other purposes. Letter also refers to Mr. Drew and Mr. Perkins.
Discussion of the necessity of public education in the Moapa and Virgin valleys in regards to irrigation, drainage, water storage, domestic water, and flood control. Report was written October 10, 1945, attached application was dated February 3, 1945.
Dr. Anita Tijerina Revilla is an associate professor for the College of Liberal Arts in the Department of Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies. She is a Queer Chicana scholar whose work has focused on student activism, Chicana feminism, joteria, and the Latinx educational pipeline.
Discussion of the formation of the Virgin River Watershed Flood Control District and Soil Conservation Committee and the efforts of all the individual soil conservation districts. Project Number: State Office No. 172. Clark County No. 12 and Project Number: State Office No. 284. Clark County No. 24
Summary of plan for organizing an irrigation district in the Moapa Valley for flood control, water storage, and drainage. Project Number: State Office No. 172, Clark County No. 12