Two black and white photographs of people at the Desert Inn in Las Vegas, Nevada. In the photograph on the left, unidentified men are standing in suits and playing musical instruments. On the right, two unidentified individuals attend the golf 1957 Tournament of Champions.
Two black and white photographs of people at the Desert Inn in Las Vegas, Nevada. In the left image, unidentified children are standing around the Easter Bunny. In the right image, people dressed in costume are playing musical instruments.
Two black and white photographs of the Desert Inn in Las Vegas, Nevada. In the bottom left image, unidentified men push children in racing cars. The handwriting under the top right image reads: "A beautiful new country club."
Two black and white photographs of people at the Desert Inn in Las Vegas, Nevada. The handwriting under the left image reads: "First Calcutta drew a packed house." The handwriting under the right image reads: "Wilbur Clark - Jack and Barbara Nicklaus and Walter Winchell."
Two black and white photographs of people at the Desert Inn in Las Vegas, Nevada. The handwriting under the left image reads: "5th T-of-C Queen Marnie Van Danen (sp?)." The handwriting under the right image reads: "ABC - T.V. visits the D.I."
Two black and white photographs of people at the Desert Inn in Las Vegas, Nevada. The handwriting under the left image reads: "The brand new D.I. pro shop - 1957." The handwriting under the right image reads: "A D.I. movie starring Juliet Prowse and Cecil Simmons."
Two black and white photographs of people at the Desert Inn in Las Vegas, Nevada. The handwriting under the left image reads: "Harry and Betty James having fun at the D.I." The image on the right features a group of women holding golf clubs.
Two black and white photographs of people at the Desert Inn in Las Vegas, Nevada. The left image features three unidentified men, while the right showcases children atop a Desert Inn float.
Two photographs of people at various Desert Inn events in Las Vegas, Nevada. The handwriting under the left image reads: "Our Bob Keyser hits one for Zsa Zsa Gabor." The handwriting under the right image reads: "Wilbur and Toni bring in the New Year."
Two photographs of people at various Desert Inn events in Las Vegas, Nevada. The handwriting under the left image reads: "Wilbur and Howard plant one of the first trees." The handwriting under the second image reads: "The D.I. Clark Gable, R.S. Bob Keyser, and Pappy Walsh."