'F.V. Owen, publisher ... Los Angeles, California. Topography by C.H. Fenner, C.E. Decorations by L.J. Bergère. Gov't. data, H.A. Shamberger, C.E. Copyright, 1930, by F.V. Owen.' At bottom right of map: 'Dated Oct. 7th, 1930.' Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Contour lines are 100 feet. Incudes six hand-colored illustrations showing local points of interest. Includes information on Hoover Dam, and chart of mileages from Las Vegas. Scale [ca. 1:63,360]. 1 inch to 1 mile
The collection is comprised of original research material on KLVX TV's "Project Innovate," a cooperative project with the Clark County, Nevada School District. The materials were collected and created by Ira G. Kimball for his 1988 University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Master's thesis.
Report of the 1941 activities in the Clark County's Flood Control Program in overcoming the flood menace in the Las Vegas, Moapa, and Virgin Valleys. Project Number: State Office No. 172. Clark County No. 12