Corner of Nevada Highway and Arizona Street, downtown Boulder City, Nevada, showing sign pointing to Visitors Bureau, Fred's Cafe, automobiles at Shell service station.
The Las Vegas Rotary Club presents the Nevada Centennial Medallion to Nancy M. Forni (center), University of Nevada, Las Vegas' highest ranking senior student. At far left is Leonard Goodall, University of Nevada, Las Vegas President; at far right is Bert Purdue. Others are unidentified.
This is part 3 of 6 finding aids for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Creative Services Records and represents 1990 to 1999. Generally, materials are transferred from UNLV Photo Services to UNLV Special Collections and Archives 5 years after they are created. For materials within the last 5 years, contact or call 702-895-3036. This finding aid contains the photographic negatives, contact sheets, and digital files produced by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas from 1990 to 1999 as an official record of the institution's development, activities, and community. Clients include UNLV colleges and departments, the University's administration, the UNLV Foundation, athletic departments, and the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). Images include academic activities, athletic events, faculty and administration, student life, campus life, campus development, architecture, and public relations.