The completed construction of the second and third floors of the library at the Nevada Southern University (NSU), later renamed the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV).
Ore mill at Belleville, Nevada where ore from mines was processed. Cordwood is stacked in the foreground. Mule teams with ore wagons are being unloaded on the ramp above and behind smokestacks.
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: Equality Won! Day was a celebration of the successful passage of transgender-inclusive legislation at the Nevada State Legislature during the 2011 session. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: crowd
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: Equality Won! Day was a celebration of the successful passage of transgender-inclusive legislation at the Nevada State Legislature during the 2011 session. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: crowd
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: Equality Won! Day was a celebration of the successful passage of transgender-inclusive legislation at the Nevada State Legislature during the 2011 session. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: crowd