The Story of Classic Las Vegas Oral History Interviews (approximately 1950-2006) is comprised of raw and edited video recordings of oral history interviews used for The Story of Classic Las Vegas documentary which was produced, directed, and edited by Lynn Zook. The documentary offers first person historical overviews of what it was like to live in Las Vegas, Nevada from the 1920s to the 1970s. Individuals interviewed include a wide range of community members of the Las Vegas Valley including business owners, educators, entertainers, politicians, gaming professionals, casino workers, and activists. Materials also include a media kit with promotional materials and interview transcript for one of the interviewees, Betty Willis.
The Bob Coffin Political Papers (approximately 1861-2021) document the political career of independent Democrat Bob Coffin who served in the Nevada Assembly, State Senate, and Las Vegas City Council from 1983 to 2019. Collection materials primarily consist of legislative research files associated with Coffin's committee assignments. City Council records in this collection include budget files, constituent concerns, and city project files. The collection also includes election materials used for Coffin's political campaigns and include posters, mailers, as well as newspaper clippings and information on Coffin's opponents.
On March 27, 1977, Frank Murillo interviewed housewife Marian Beltran Decaro (born September 7th, 1914 in Flagstaff, Arizona) in her home in Las Vegas, Nevada. This interview covers the history of Las Vegas, Nevada’s first Mexican restaurant. Mr. Decaro is also present during the interview. Additionally, Mrs. Decaro recalls the first atomic bomb test in Las Vegas and also offers an overview of the growth of the area, overall, including the development and demographic details of such distinct historical communities as the Westside.