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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 20, 1975






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 3 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000077. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    8B5A2E MEETIHG #26 THURSDAY, MARCH £0, 1975 AGESDA 1, • Call to order II. Boll call SIX. Approval of Minutes I?v Coaralttee Ueporta h* Treasurer' s Report B. Activities Board C. By-Law 9, Bay Care Board E. Elections Board F. Lobbying Coamittee 1. Organisations Council J. Special Asaen&ment Coasittse Old B-iseiaess A. Senate Seat Elect iocs B. Judy Bay ley Theatre Fee Resolution Bt*« loess A, Providential Seminations S, Student Exchange Program C. Swbaiit Student Union Operating Print Out tfcvu 2/7/T5 VIS. Information A. Sest Ssaafc Meeting - Tuesday, April 1, 19T5 SENATE MEETING #26 THURSDAY3 MARCH 20 s 1975 X. Masting vas called to order by President Pro~Tempore, Rafael Lara at 5:10 p.22. II. Roll call was taken III. Motion "by A1 Kingham to approve minutes of February 20, 1975 and March It, 1975. Seconded by Kevin Coe Motion carries IV. Committee- Reports A. Treasurer's Report Jill Kovak reported the last Business Office Report gave a breakdown of CSUK fees received for Spring. They are as follows: General Expense $8,000 YELL $2,800 Publicity $1,500 ttDay Care Center $2,800 Matching Org. Fund §k,000 Contingency $10,000 Activities $28,000 YELL Stipends $1,100 Magasine $975 •?Error in Say Care account should have $U,600 instead of $2,800. B. Activities Board Rosalynn Ramey reported for the month of February there ti3 $17,358.02 in expenditures and $2fl»39.^5 in revenue. C. 3y-La*: Committee Curtis Haggard reported the By-Lav Committee amended and appr'^ed two by-laws. First, the Amendment to Senate By-Law #1 fabiai^ed by Val Buhecker and second, the Organisations and Candidates By-Law submitted by Ray Carrillo. Motion by Curtis Haggard to accept the Amendment to Senate By-Law 81 as amended and approved by the Committee. Seconded by Sean McVey Discussion Motion by Eugene Belin to table. Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motion carries Motion by Curtis Haggard to adopt the Organisations e-id Candi-dates By-La-tr submitted by Ray Carrillo as approved V the Committee. Seconded by Ray Carrillo Discussion Motion to adopt withdrawn by Curtis Haggard Second withdrawn by Bay Carrillo D. Day Care Center Board Bsfael Lara read a report which was submitted by the former Chairman of the Say Cere Board giving a brief rundown of the progress made during the Fall 197^ Semester. S, Election Board Carson Maddison, Chairman of the Election Board was not present to report. The Chair requested the Senate direct their questions concerning the election to the President or the Chair. Marie Shea requested Val Buhecker explain in detail the Optional Athletic Fee Proposal. Lengthy discussion Mot 1 oh by flosalynn Barney to compose and submit a resolution, to the Board-of Begents stating that the Initiative Petition failed according to the CSUI Constitution under Article XXIXs Section and request that the Board of Begents table any action until the proposal can be presented to the Student Body for their approval. Seconded by A1 Kiagham Lengthy discussion The Chair ruled Dave Elkins discussion out of order. Challenge to the Chair by Bosalynn Barney Seconded by A1 Kingham Challenge defeated, J yes, T no, 1 abstain, Chair voted against Call for the question by Rosalyan R&mey Dies for lack of a second {A1 Kingham was excused} Motion 'by Dave Elkins for informal discussion Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion carries (Kevin Co© was excused) Lengthy discussion on Athletic Fee Proposal Motion by Marie Shea t© end informal discussion Seconded by John Carrillo Motion carries Call for the question by Marie Shea Seconded by Bosalynn Barney Motion carries - 2 ~ Roll sail vote requested fey Rosalynn Barney Motion defeated, 2 yes, 10 ao5 1 abstain F. Lobbying Committee (6.L.A.C.) Dave Elkins reported A1 Kingham, S.L.A.C, Chairman* and be •went t© Carson City to observe the Legislatures in action. As a result ©f this trip several guidelines were draws up by the Committee which should be tised to prepare a : / * v person to lobby. Motion by Dave Biking; to approve the S.L.A.C. report and enact the proposed guidelines. Seconded by Marie Shea Motion passes 6. Special Amendment Committee Marie Shea reported three amendments vers reviewed by the Special Amendment Committee. 1} Amending Article VII» Section 10, Paragraph A, Subsection submitted by Hay Carrillo. 2) Amending Article VIIs Section 10, Paragraph A, Subsection 3 » submitted by Hay Carrillo. 33 Several Amendments to the CSUE Constitution stibmitted by Joe Karaffa and Jude Gary* Motion by Marie Shea to approve the two amendments sitbsaitted by Ray Carrillo. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion by Eugane Belin to vote on the two amendments separately. Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motion carries Motion by Eugene Belin to amend Amendment #1 {Part "a"5 to read: "The Student Union Board shall submit an operating policy to the CSUH Senate for approval whenever, the policy, has been, altered• Seconded by Marie Shea Discussion Motion by Scott Marcus to amend the amendment to read: "The Student Union Board shall submit an operating policy to the CSUI Senate for approval once a year and whenever the policy has bees altered. Seconded by Marie Shea Motion to amend the amendment passes - 3 - Say Carrillo Ho Scott Marcus No Rosalynn Ramey Yes Shirley Lindsey Abstain Richard Gutierres Ho • Bairid Eiltins Yes Curtis Haggard Ho Sean MeVey Ho Marie Shea No Herlinda Salassar Ho Eugene Belin Ho John Carrill© Ho Cindy Baliser Ko Motion by Mai'ie Shea to accept Amendment /?2 (Part "b"} submitted by Ray Garriilo. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion fails, 1 yes, 9 nos £ abstain (Roaalyna Ramey and Dave Elkine were excused) The Chair stated quorum was broken, therefore., the meeting was adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. -U- PROPOSED SENATE BY-LAW (AMENDMENT) SUBMITTED BY: Val S. Buhecker SUBJECT: ' Amendment to Senate By-Law #1 It is proposed that Senate By-Lav #1 reads as follows to meet the needs of the Constitution and to expand its purpose: S.B. #1 - By-Law and Amendment Committee I. It is the purpose of this committee to review and study all proposed "by-laws and amendments and to suggest approval or disapproval to the Senate. A. A by-law shall be any reference to the structure of CSUN and its affairs, or any of its subsidiary organizations pursuant to Article VII, Section 5, Subsection A and shall not conflict with the CSUN Constitution. B. An amendment sahll be any reference to the structure of CSUN and its affairs, or any of its subsidiary organizations which requires change in the wording or meaning of the CSUN constitution but does not conflict with other parts of the CSUN Constitution. II. Ratification A. All proposed by-laws and amendments shall be submitted to the Committee. 1. The Committee shall consist of four (U) Senators and one (l) Judicial member appointed by the President with Senate approval. 2. The Committee shall consider all proposals on the relevance and necessity to the Constitution, Sturgi s Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, and existing by-laws. The—Go mm ittee • s-h ali--rrct---change—t he-vordi irg~" or^st ructirre ~ ^ o-f—the-by-law ~or amendment accept for grammatical- -mis takes s ub j e c t t o—t he-aut h or -a p p rovai-. C. By-laws and amendments shall be returned to the Senate upon which their enactment may take place according to the CSUN Constitution. L Organizations and Candidates By-Law Article I: The CSUN Secretary shall have full responsibility in obtaining the pertinent information deemed neccessary to f u l f i l l the following requierments of Organizations and Candidates: Section A: Candidates Candidates will be required to submit to the CSUN Secretary; 1. 6 PA 2. Class standing 3. College and Major this information must be obtained by the candidate at his or her leisure or expense from the University^ Registrars office.. It must be^fficial/form from the Registrars Office. Section B: Organizations Organizations must have: 1. A Constitution and/or by-laws defining purpose. 2. A membership l i s t with names of officers and k members of which more than 50% must be full time students. 3. A mailing address. 4. A $5.00 annual charge will be made at the time of f i l i n g or with the new CSUN administration. This money will be earmarked to the financial aids office, going to the emergency loan fund. Article I I : The Secretary will screen all presidential appointments, University Senate nominations (if the senate elects the candidates), organizations seeking to be recognized by CSUN, and all other nominations which do not conflict with Article 3. Article I I I : The Secretary will not screen internal CSUN senatorial affairs such as president pro tempore, senatorial committee members, etc. Article IV: All Senators must be notified of any elections to be conducted by the Senate seven days before the elections. Article V: Recommendations by the Secretary will be made to the Senate only on requierments of the position the candidate is seeking; not based on sex, ethnic, cultural, religious, racial, political, and/or personal biases. PROPOSAL Of LOBBTMO GUISSLXMIS FHOI-1 S.L.A.C, COMHITIEE FOB OSUH APPBOVAL i These guidelines are.' desiyiea to ascnre to tile students of CSUB that persons Hho i?lsfc to lobby for or against any specific legislation, in naiag GSU3 fam.s, will bo presenting that voic« of the students ia an intelligent and knowledge sans*er. The gnidelines will than iasare tl>a proper, use of those si ad funds. A. Pro-we fcaowiefige J? featr© baek£?o&a& in the area for which fee or ia lof-sjriag for or agaiast. i.e. Pes forked Fork is otfeer eoffla»i->vee» a%* gvvup referring to the specific ii&terial * * B« Haa ia Po»s®8.*o» legislative Bills or the proposals for tfee M i l s . Mast have prt ared ass6 rehearsed aa€ ia written for*? teati-sseajs fcopiea >f *?Meh to be presented to the respective easaaittees» II. Lobby Sahject ''.aterials} A. fbe CSUEf fiaate ams« approve all resolutions asd testimony which is o he presented to the legislative coaaittees. B. Senate »oroval vill then lie added to the written testiaony ta&ea -4- Carson City, A record of the voting will also he incltatl* in those resolutions, III. trfc© vill report to the Yifat ^.L.A.C. meeting f o l l o w i n g O J ? her lobbint action in Carson City. A written report t-he sabsitted to the S.L.A.C. Co&aittee snamarisiag the e?'/f » The reciepta for food> lodging and transportation Hill t®iacluded if there is to be -reimbursement by CfiUH. favid^XrElkins" Ceasaittee Member of S.L.A.C. Alffcefi A. KiagKMty Siii«aa of B.t.^S. I. fteqnireseats AMENDMENTS TO THE CSUN CONSTITUTION ARTICLE IV: 1. Elected Officers: Constitutional Amendment: A. Any member of CSUN shall be allowed to become a candidate for elected office provided that he or she has at least a 2.^0 cumulative grade point average. 4. Time of Election: A. The general election for executive officers: Senior, Junior, Sophomore, and all other college senators, except University College and Freshman senators shall be held on any two consecutive days of instruction during the second week of instruction in March. B. The general election for University College senators and Freshman senators shall be held on any two consecutive days of instruction during the first week of instruction in October. B. University College and Freshman senators shall be installed at the first senate meeting of the senate, subsequent to the date of the election, provided that such election has been certified, otherwise, as soon thereafter as certification has been made. ARTICLE V: 1. D. The president shall be required to submit*a balanced budget for the administrative officers, CSUN Activities Board, CSUN Publications, and any other board or committee which requires funding from the CSUN senate within one month after his installation. E. The president shall appoint the members to joint student-faculty committees.. The president shall nominate jJie members of all CSUN senate standing committees^And^appofot TTie Chairman of the Mover Student Union Board, Activities Board, Elections Board, and the editor of the newspaper. All nominations and appointment outlined in this paragraph must have senate approval. 3. E. The treasurer shall submit to the senate a year-end audit performed by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. ARTICLE VI: Finance 1. The president, vice-president, and the treasurer shall be the only authorized officers empowered to disburse funds. All requests for disbursementttof funds shall require two of the three executive officer's signatures. 5. Installation of Officers: .— A. The executive*Trf4icers, S^uxer^fualor, Sophomore, and all other college University College and Freshmaju-s€rfators shall be inSTa-il^d at the first senafja-'ifieeting subsequent to the date of election. > 2. The president, vice-president, and the treasurer shall be bonded in an amount commensurate with the revenues of CSUN. Such bonding shall be provided by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. ARTICLE VII: Legislative Branch 5. F. The senate may not approve the following business until the regular senate session following the date of the intro-duction into the senate of this business. (note addition of R) 2. DELETE the following: The signing of contracts of which CSUN is a party. L. The senate shall have the power to form any standing committees and shall have the power to__appn;i,nti members to all senate Ad Hoc committees. R. The senate may approve contracts on the date of submission to the senate, provided that the committee submitting the contract has a representative present and the CSUN treasurer has been given a copy of the contract twenty four hours in advance of the senate meeting and the treasurer is also present at the senate meeting to speak on the funds available for the contract. If any of the above stipulations are not followed, then the contract can not be approved or disapproved until the next regularly scheduled senate meeting following the date of introduction to the CSUN senate. 10. Permanent standing committee of the senate. (A-2) b; four voting CSUN students that hold no elected office.\ f. one voting alumnae association representative B. CSUN Activities Board 2.-d. The Director of Student Activities as a non-voting advisor / . C. Elections Board 2. The Elections Board shall have the sole power to determine the apportionment of the twenty college senators prior to the election in March, such apportionment to be based upon figures supplied by the office of the registrar. ARTICLE X: Impeachment 2. There needs to be clarification of what percentage of the senate vote shall constitute impeachment i r