Letter accompanying a report from the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific for Las Vegas.
Archival Component
From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). From Slides #1550 through 1557. Newspaper title text: “Soviet Announces Atom Test Halt With Condition; U.S. Wants Check; West Requests Pre-Summit Parley”.
Archival Component
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Materials contain photographs of the Hughes XF-11 prototype military reconnaissance aircraft from 1946 to 1947. The photographs depict Howard Hughes piloting the two XF-11 prototypes that were built: during the test flight in July 1946, Hughes crashed the first XF-11 in Beverly Hills, California; in April 1947, Hughes successfully flew the second prototype at high speeds and at high altitudes. However, the United States Air Force abandoned the controversial project, and in August of 1947, Hughes was called to testify before the Truman Committee in the U.S. Senate about the failures of the program.
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