At top of map: 'United States Department of the Interior. Geological Survey. Open-file report 84-130, plate 5.' 'Prepared in cooperation with the Clark County Department of Comprehensive Planning.' At bottom of map: 'Base from U.S. Geological Survey, 1:100,000, Boulder City, Ariz.-Nev., Las Vegas, Nev.-Calif., Mesquite Lake, Nev.-Calif., 1978; Lake Mead, Nev.-Ariz., 1979.' 'Geology from Malmberg (1965); Longwell and others (1965); Haynes (1967); Bell and Smith (1980); Bell (1981) and J. R. Harrill, 1976. Thickness of valley-fill deposits by R.W. Plume, 1981.' Includes three profiles. Shows township and range lines. Scale [ca. 1:95.040. 1 in.=approx. 1.5 miles] (W 115°30´--W 115°00´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). Series: Open-file report (Geological Survey (U.S.)), 84-130. Originally published as plate 5 of Ground-water conditions in Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada. Part I. Hydrogeologic framework / by Russell W. Plume, published by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1984 as Open-file report 84-130.
On March 25, 1978, Kim Geary interviewed Joan Johnson (born 1911 in Oklahoma) in her home in Las Vegas, Nevada. The two discuss Joan Johnson’s personal history and her reasons for originally moving to Las Vegas. Johnson recalls early Las Vegas entertainment, as well as the development of businesses and their unions.
Discussion of the relevant legal issues and court decisions relating to the question of whether the railroad could be forced to increase water production