The Martha C. Knack and Omer C. Stewart Research Papers on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe contains materials collected by Stewart and Knack as research for their 1984 book, As Long as the River Shall Run: An Ethnohistory of Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation. The collection focuses on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation in Northeastern Nevada from 1845 to 1975 and include letters, journal articles, legal documents, government documents, treatises, and records. All materials are photocopies of documents that date between approximately 1845 to 1980.
The Southern Nevada Historical Society Photograph Collection on Basic Magnesium, Inc. contains photographs of the construction of Basic Magnesium Inc.'s plants and buildings from 1941 to 1942. The photographs primarily depict aerial views of the plant site and various buildings, including the administration building, tent camp, chlorination buildings, electrolysis facilities, electrical distribution systems, and warehouses. The photographs also depict Lake Mead and the early buildings in Henderson, Nevada.
Narrator affiliation: Physicist, First director, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory; Arms control negotiator; Director, Defense Dept. Research adn Engineering
The Six Companies, Inc. Hoover Dam Photograph Collection (1931-1935), consists of approximately 400 black-and-white photographic prints contained in two photograph albums and an additional twenty-one loose black-and-white photographic prints with ten corresponding photographic negatives.