Description printed on back of photograph: "Howard Hughes shaking hands with Major General Oscar Westover, Head of the US Air Corps, at a luncheon at the National Press Club. Jesse Jones stands at extreme right with other notables in the center. July 1938."
Description given with photo: "Non-Stop Los Angeles - New York Flight Inaugurated New York -- View of the crowd around the "Star of California" waiting for passengers -- most of them after it landed at LaGuardia Airport Feb. 15. Piloted by Howard Hughes, famed Around-The-World record holder and a TWA executive, the flight in-augurated non-stop schedule between Los Angeles and New York. The TWA Constellation made the trip in 8 hours and 38 minutes, as compared with the record of 7 hours, 27 minutes. Credit (ACME) 2/15/46."
Incorporating iconic New York symbolism with commercial architecture, the New York New York hotel and casino along the Las Vegas Strip presents an "only in Vegas" tourist attraction complete with a Statue of Liberty replica, seen here reflected in the water surrounding the feature. Coins tossed in by tourists provide the star affect.