Description given with photo: "Senator Visits Hughes, Culver City, Calif.; Senator Harry P. Cain (R. Wash.) (left), member of a Senate Subcommittee investigating Howard Hughes' war contracts, chats with Hughes (right) beside his controversial XF-11 photo-reconnaissance plane just before the millionaire plane maker took off for a test flight from his private Culver City Airport today (8/16). Credit (ACME) 8/16/47."
I.M. Poff's New York Store baseball team (L-R, Top row) Bill Thomas, Bilt Mitchell, "Curly" Fennel - Captain of ball club, "Tubby" Sears (L-R Bottom row) Walter McCormic, Oswald, Jack Seller "Cocky" Voris John Kramer, Harley Harmon Shores, I.M. Poff.
40 x 60 cm. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington. Atlas plate numbers 54 and 55 in the upper corners. Shows forts, trails, exploration routes, drainage, mail steamship routes, physical features, Indian tribes, and historic sites. The geographic region of Southwest is referred to as the New Southwest. Original publisher: Johnson .
A group photo of a baseball team, possibly in Las Vegas, Nevada. Description provided with image: "Top Row: 1) Walter Houck; 2) Ben Emerick; 3) Frank Black; 4) Harry Beale; 5) H. Floyd Alter; 6) Curley Fennel; 7) Walter "Tubby" Sears. Bottom Row: 1) Mac McCormack; 2) Oswald; 3) Sullen; 4) Cockey Vores; 5) John Kramer; 6) Harley Harmon; 7) Shores."