The Nevada Consolidated Copper Company Photograph Albums (1906-1907) contain two photograph albums from the mining company's chief engineer's office. The photograph albums include cyanotype and black-and-white photographs depicting the construction of the smelting plant, equipment, railroad, and landscape of Ruth, Nevada.
Archival Collection
The Mike Miller Papers (1971-2014) include advertisements, books, and paintings by Las Vegas, Nevada-based artist and graphic designer Mike Miller. Materials include photographs, art prints, advertisements, newspaper clippings featuring Miller's advertisements, casino advertisements, and books designed, written, or illustrated by Miller.
Archival Collection
The Norman Kaye Photograph Collection (approximately 1950-1970) consists of black-and-white photographic prints of Norman Kaye and the Mary Kaye Trio in performance at the Hotel Last Frontier in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Archival Collection
The Norman Kaye Papers span the years of 1952 to 1969 and are comprised of material from the career of Norman Kaye, a Las Vegas lounge entertainer and longtime poet laureate of Nevada. The materials contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, music manuscripts and poetry, and audio recordings from the Mary Kaye Trio.
Archival Collection
From the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Records -- Series I. Administrative. This folder contains memos, agendas and minutes from meetings of the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board from January 1970 through February 1970.
Clarence Stay, Jr. real estate documents
From the Syphus-Bunker Papers (MS-00169). The folder contains an original handwritten letter, a typed transcription of the same letter, the original envelope with the stamp removed, and a copy of the original letter.
From the Syphus-Bunker Papers (MS-00169). The folder contains an original handwritten letter, a typed transcription of the same letter, the original envelope with the stamp removed, and a copy of the original letter.