The Las Vegas City Commission Records (1911-1960) is comprised of bound and unbound materials from the original Las Vegas City Commission. Twelve of the bound volumes are minutes that served as the official record of the proceedings of all Las Vegas City Commission meetings from 1911-1960. There are also three volumes of City of Las Vegas ordinances dating from 1911 to 1958, one volume of legal documents from 1944-1945 and two large volumes containing an alphabetical subject index to the topics covered in the minutes. Unbound materials cover the period 1921 to 1946 and include minutes, resolutions, ordinances, correspondence, financial records, proclamations and other documents related to city business. They provide a valuable historical record of a wide variety of business and community activities in Las Vegas in the first fifty years of its incorporation.
Description given with photograph: "Howard Hughes tests the Hughes plane. Seattle--Howard Hughes (right), millionaire aviation enthusiast and record holder, shown with Edmund T. Allen, Boeing test engineer, before they made a recent test flight in a Boeing-built Stratoliner. The huge machine was equipped with extra fuel tanks for the test. Hughes did not reveal the reasons for his interest in the four-motored, 30 passenger plane, designed for substratosphere flight."