Description given with photo: "Howard Hughes Carries His Lunch Tray Cafeteria Style - Washington, D.C. Howard Hughes is shown selecting his luncheon cafeteria style during a short recess of the Senate investigation of his wartime plane contracts. Along with Thomas A. Slack, his counsel, the millionaire plane builder had his luncheon in the cafeteria of the Senate office building, while Senator Homer Ferguson, (R) Michigan the Sub-Committee Chairman, called the recess due to the absence of the witnesses summoned to the inquiry at Hughes' request. 11/8/47." Hand-written description also written on back of photo: "Howard Hughes & Atty. Thomas Slack."
Description given with photo: "Hughes And Dietrich Check Statements, Washington: Howard Hughes (seated) and Noah Dietrich, vice president of the Hughes Tool Co., look over their files and statements as the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee's hearing got under way, Aug. 8. Dietrich testified that a former chief of the Army Air Forces Procurement Offices said he would never buy an airplane from Hughes because he didn't like him. Credit (ACME) 8/8/47."
A group picture of the Howard Family, probably taken in West Brach, Bridge Creek, Oregon. Handwritten description provided on stock card: "Postcard. Backrow L to R: 1) William D. Howard; 2) Marcus Howard, father; 3) Nancy Howard Copley (tallest figure); 4) Mary Josephine (Baxter) Howard, mother; 5) Ollie Howard Lohr. Front row: 1) Allie Howard Moxley; 2) Lyght Howard; 3) Minnie Howard. (Taken in Oregon)." Additional handwritten description provided on separate piece of paper: "Jesse should be Jessie Pearl Howard Johnson Manor. Picture probably taken in West Branch, Bridge Creek, Oregon. Backrow, l to r: 1) William D. Howard; 2) Marcus Howard, father; 3) Nancy Howard Copley (tallest fig.); 4) Mary Josephine (Baxter) Howard, mother; 5) Ollie Howard Lohr. Front row: 1) Allie Howard Moxley; 2) Lyght Howard (died WW1 influenza epid.); 3) Minnie Howard (died about 15 years old). James H. Howard, Ruth Foster Roark's great-great grandfather."
A view of a group of unidentified men and Howard Hughes standing together in front of the Trans World Atlantic (TWA) transcontinental plane after the aircraft had landed.