Stamped : 'Approved (Signed) A. Maguire, Assistant Chief Engineer.' In lower right corner: '6-W-74.' Some annotations written over in yellow; black dotted line added between forebay and final spring in the northwest. Scale [ca. 1:6,000] 1 in.=500 feet
Incorporating iconic New York symbolism with commercial architecture, the New York New York hotel and casino along the Las Vegas Strip presents an "only in Vegas" tourist attraction complete with a Statue of Liberty replica, seen here reflected in the water surrounding the feature. Coins tossed in by tourists provide the star affect.
Incorporating iconic New York symbolism with commercial architecture, the New York New York hotel and casino along the Las Vegas Strip presents an "only in Vegas" tourist attraction complete with a Statue of Liberty replica, seen here reflected in the water surrounding the feature. Coins tossed in by tourists provide the star affect.
Note: The back cover shows the name of Eleanor F. Whitlock and the years 1874 and 1895. It is possible that it refers to her 21st birthday Menu insert: Wine lists Restaurant: The Monico Location: London, England