Bio information taken from Las Vegas Sun obituary: "Sara Saltzman, a longtime Las Vegan who co-founded the company that later became the Marshall-Rousso clothing store chain, died Monday. She was 97. Saltzman was born Sept. 28, 1899, in Russia. When she was 13, she moved with her family to Cleveland, where she attended school and was among the first women in that city to own and drive a car. She worked as executive secretary to her brother, Maurice Gusman, a prominent Cleveland banker and philanthropist.
Sasha Semenoff (1924-2013) was born Abram Shapiro in Riga, Latvia. Sasha played the piano at age 6 and got his first violin at age 9. In a 2009 Las Vegas Sun interview, Sasha told the story that while being transported to a concentration camp a German Nazi soldier saw him holding a mandolin and instructed him to play “La Paloma.” To his great fortune, he was able to do so and always felt that that moment saved his life.
Andrew "Andy" Brewer was born in and went to high school in La Grange, Georgia. Brewer joined the military and discusses his attempts to get a job after his release, and his experiences in New York City. He shares that after working in a factory, running a driving school, and working as a porter, he ended up as a bus driver for 21 years. After his wife passed away in 1999, Andy was searching for somewhere to retire. He tried the South because his daughters were there, and he lived for a short time in Durham, North Carolina.