Color image of Julia [Orghiazno], Sister Rosemary Lynch, and Fred Landau at an anti-nuclear testing prayer vigil held outside of the Las Vegas Federal Building.
Black and white photo of Caliente Grade School graduating class of 1926. Front row, L- R: 1. Virgil Wedge, now a Reno attorney, 2. Burton Wadsworth, deceased uncle of Mrs. Bob Broadbent, 3. Lawrence Pace, son of Vilate and Frank Pace, 4. Lester Denton, 5.(?), 6.(?); Back row, L- R: 1. Alpha Forsyth, 2. Mattie Keeler, 3 Rosie Usin, 4. Mary Reid, 5. Hilma Burke.
Black and white photograph of a Boulder Pack Train; Sign reads "Commercial & Pleasure, Places of interest. Fossil Beds. River Beds. Dam Site. Mountain Tops. Reasonable Rates".