'S.P.L.A.&S.L.R.R., Los Angeles Division.' 'Jan. 15, 1914.' Includes other parts of water utilities besides pipelines such as sump pumps and water tanks. Scale varies. Blueprint. Library's copy includes hand-written notes.
'Exhibit A.' 'S.P.L.A.&.S.L.R.R., Los Angeles Division.' 'Dec. 28, 1914.' 'Approved, [signed] E.M. Jessup, E.M. of W.' '2-T-168A' hand-printed in lower right corner. Scale: 1 in. = 100 ft.
'Exhibit A.' 'S.P.L.A.&.S.L.R.R., Los Angeles Division.' 'Approved, [signed] E.M. Jessup, E. M. of W.' 2-T-167A' hand-printed in lower right corner. Scale: 1 in. = 100 ft.
'Drawing B-617.' 'Office of Vice President, Los Angeles,California.' Accompanies: L. R. Maag letter to Thomas A. Campbell, June 15, 1953 (Box 14 Folder W26 File No. 1).
'Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, Union Pacific Railroad Company, Exhibit A.' 'Office of Vice President-LVL&WCompany, Los Angeles, California, October 4, 1950.'
Blueline map, 74 x 110 cm. "Portion SE? SW? Section 27, Township 20 south, Range 61 east, M.D.M. & M., City of Las Vegas, Nev." "This survey was completed on September 25, 1970, at the instance of the state of Nevada Planning Board and correctly shows the elevation of all buildings and other structures." Shows City of Las Vegas Library, Dula Center, Nevada Highway Patrol building, YMCA. and State of Nevada Office Building. Library's copy is missing the lower right corner. Stamped in lower right-hand corner "Stephen F. Turner, Registered land surveyor - State of Nevada, No. 1803."