On March 14, 1981, Randall Williams interviewed Eldon Cunningham (born 1920 in Granby, Missouri) about his life in Las Vegas, Nevada. Cunningham first talks about his family background, his reason for moving to Las Vegas, and his service in the military during World War II. He also mentions the Twin Lakes area of Las Vegas, his hobby of prospecting, and his work with Clark County Electric as an electrician. Cunningham also talks in detail about some of his experiences while working at the Nevada Test Site in electrical work. As the interview concludes, Cunningham talks more about family illnesses, experiments at the Test Site, and his former hunting practices.
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Commencement program from University of Nevada, Las Vegas Commencement Programs and Graduation Lists (UA-00115).
From Margaret Kelly Collection on the Bluebell Girls, MS-00604. The scrapbook includes newspaper and magazine clippings covering Kelly's work at the Folies-Bergère and Lido de Paris, Paris, France, and her long career as creator and manager of the world famous Bluebell Girls.
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Commencement program from University of Nevada, Las Vegas Commencement Programs and Graduation Lists (UA-00115).
From the Syphus-Bunker Papers (MS-00169). The folder contains an original handwritten letter, a typed transcription of the same letter, the original envelope with the stamp removed, and a copy of the original letter.
From the Syphus-Bunker Papers (MS-00169). The folder contains an original handwritten letter, a typed transcription of the same letter, the original envelope with the stamp removed, and a copy of the original letter.