From the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Records -- Series II: Projects. This folder contains documents such as project applications from Operation Oppurtunities-Clark County Economic Opportunities Board Las Vegas, Nevada as well as correspondence about Clark County School District, Nevada Tuberculosis and Health Association, Division of Labor, documents and services on day care services center, program of work documents, and appendixes about area and resources
"Practice session night before game" Bob Stupak plays basketball inside a gym; Stupak shooting free throws inside Madison Square Garden before the game; NY-One coverage of Stupak during the Globetrotter game; Stupak poses with $100,000 donation check. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
Moving Image
"Dr. Charles West was a prominent African-American figure who worked to advance the cause of civil rights in Southern Nevada.
Charles I. West was born in Washington, D.C. on September 27, 1908. His parents, Dr. Charles and Rebekah West, had four children.
Charles Lanman Papers (1864-1868) contain the title page of the Dictionary of the United States Congress and the General Government, written by Lanman, solicitation requests for biographical information from notable government figures, and written replies. Of interest with regard to Nevada are the original handwritten letters from James W. Nye and William M. Stewart.
Archival Collection
Series II. Folies-Bergere production papers, designs, and photographs -- 17th Edition: The Best of the Folies-Bergere -- 2001 costume revisions: costume design drawings, photographs of costume pieces, correspondence, and notes -- La Vedette
Mixed Content
Series II. Folies-Bergere production papers, designs, and photographs -- 17th Edition: The Best of the Folies-Bergere -- 2001 costume revisions: costume design drawings, photographs of costume pieces, correspondence, and notes -- When I Think of You