Four photographs of the production "Suivez-Moi!", a show staged by Donn Arden at the Lido in Paris, France. The scene depicted is "La Fontaine de Trevi." Site Name: Lido (Cabaret: Paris, France)
Six photos of miscellaneous scenes and dancers in Donn Arden's production "Hello America," a tribute to America's past, held at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Site Name: Stardust Resort and Casino
Three photos of a Tyrolean group from Germany performing in the third edition of the "Lido," a production staged by Donn Arden, at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Site Name: Stardust Resort and Casino
Eight photos of Lido dancers, both individuals and groups, posing at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dancers are posed by a pool, plane, and desert cactus. Site Name: Stardust Resort and Casino
Dr. Jacob Paz was born November 14, 1938 and grew up in an agricultural environment in Israel where he attended Kadoorie High School. After his graduation, Paz joined the Israeli army. He attended technical school for two years and started working for the Israel Atomic Energy commission in Dimona, Israel, making atomic bombs. Paz was accepted into University of California Davis, and moved to the United States to study veterinary medicine.