Color image of a Vietnam veteran on the closing day of a 10-day demonstration known as "Reclaim the Test Site" that was organized by American Peace Test, an anti-nuclear testing group.
Color image of protesters on stage, possibly with the symbolic "Flame from Hiroshima" at a 10-day demonstration known as "Reclaim the Test Site" that was organized by American Peace Test, an anti-nuclear testing group.
The James "Dee" Donithan Collection of Nevada Test Site Photographs (approximately 1970-1999) consist of 8x10 photographs depicting flowers, landscapes, wildlife, workers, work sites, and testing equipment at the Nevada Test Site. The photographs were printed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Mercury, Nevada, and collected into a binder by James "Dee" Donithan.
Illustration on postcard of men overlooking the reservoir site and automobiles including a Union Pacific truck on the road. "Overlooking Resevoir Site" is typed on the top left hand corner.
Cane Springs, NV. Grave site of Pete Black. Typewritten on photo sleeve: [Grave site of Pete Black at Cane Springs] [Caption in N[evada] T[est] S[ite] News n. d. p. 4]