The backside to one of the additions to the old fort in Las Vegas, Nevada. From left to right: Henry Wieking, ?, Henry Wieking's mother, and Mrs. Christie.
The official team photo of the Las Vegas High School Rhythmettes at the beginning of the 1955-56 season. Shown, from left to right (standing), are: Kathy Bergino, Carmen Ruggeroli, Kay Bollig, Nancy Blacker, Dee Trumble, Dorothy Damrow, Terry Jeffers, Marie Demetrops, Evelyn Lingo, and Ann Davis. Shown, from left to right (kneeling), are: Marilyn Wilber, Geraldine Thornton, Marilyn Reynolds, Margaret Ostler, Carol Ronnow and Donna Williams. Another member who is not shown is Cheryl Hoffman.
A showgirl poses backstage wearing a tall, feathered headdress and a costume with flowers and fringed with long ribbons. Site Name: Dunes (hotel and casino)
Black and white photograph of a showgirl posing with a lamp prop at the Dunes Hotel. She is wearing a dress and feathered headdress and standing in front of a Paris-themed background. Site Name: Dunes (hotel and casino)
A man on horseback in the Helldorado Parade advertising the Academy Awards best picture of the year winner "Lawrence of Arabia" playing at the Guild Theatre.