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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, August 11, 1942 to December 30, 1946, lvc000005-32


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    PROTESTS Letters from the U-Wah-Un Study Club and from the Las Vegas Retail Parking meters Merchants Association protesting the installation of parking meters in Las Vegas were read and ordered filed. ORDINANCE 279- adopted Commissioner Tinch moved that upon the second reading of Ordinance Taxi 279 same be adopted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and his Honor, Acting Mayor Smith voting aye. Noes, none. Thereafter, the clerk read said Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to amend section 1 of Ordinance No. 266 of the City of Las Vegas, amending Section 7 of Ordinance 210 of the City of Las Vegas, entitled; "An Ordinance to fix, impose, and provide for the collection of a license tax on motor propelled vehicles operated for hire, and to regulate the operation and running of the same, within the city of Las Vegas; fixing a penalty for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance; and repealing ordinance No. 100 and all the ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith." BADGES Commissioner Rubidoux moved that the purchasing agent be authorized to purchase the necessary badges to meet the requirements of Ordinance 279. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and his Honor, acting Mayor Smith voting aye. Noes, none. TIME SLIPS Commissioner Rubidoux moved that the recommendations of Mr. Blackman regarding time slip forms be adopted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and his Honor, acting Mayor Smith voting aye. Noes, none. 1937 WPA sidewalk Mr. Blackman made a report on the 1937 WPA sidewalk project. Commissioner project Rubidoux moved that the report be approved and the necessary steps taken to settle the matter. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and his Honor, acting Mayor Smith voting aye. Noes, none. CLAIM Commissioner Rubidoux made a motion that the daily receipts be shorted $7.50 and that Mrs. Bowman be reimbursed the same amount to cover a duplicate receipt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and his Honor, acting Mayor Smith voting aye. Noes, none. DRIVE YOURSELF SERV- Commissioner Tinch moved that the request of A. L. Riddle for transfer ICE - A. L. Riddle of Drive Yourself Service from Paul Walters, Inc., to A. L. Riddle be granted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and his Honor, acting Mayor Smith voting aye. Noes, none. Commissioner Rubidoux moved that this meeting adjourn until October 16th, 1942 at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Commissioner and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch and his Honor Smith voting aye. Noes, none. OCTOBER 16, 1942 Las Vegas, Nevada At a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners held this 16th day of October, 1942. Meeting called to order by His Honor, Mayor Howell C. Garrison with the following members present: Commissioners Smith, Tinch and Rubidoux. City Clerk Helen Scott Reed. A. W. Blackman city auditor. Absent: Commissioner Clark and City Attorney, Paul Ralli. Minutes of the meetings of October 5th and 6th were held over until the meeting of Nov. 4th. Commissioner Tinch was appointed to sign register in absence of Commissioner Clark. Commissioner Smith moved that vouchers 742 to 745 inclusive be approved and the Mayor and city clerk authorized to execute same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Rubidoux, Smith and Tinch/voting aye. Noes, none. SLOT MACHINES Commissioner Smith moved that owners and licensees of slot machines keys left with be instructed by the police department to leave master keys to the police mechanical part of their machines with the police department to facilitate an accurate check on machines. Motion seconded by Commissioner Tinch and carried by the following vote. Commissioners Rubidoux, Tinch Smith and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Commissioner Smith read his report covering matters pertaining to the Police Department,