The Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada Photograph Collection contains mainly candid photographs of events and individuals affiliated with the Las Vegas-based Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada (GLCCSN) dating from 1993 to 2000. Photographs depict events honoring prominent members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer community; meetings at GLCCSN; and candidate nights for members of the community running for public office. The collection also includes a number of photographs of the Freedom to Marry celebration at the GLCCSN and the Gay Pride Las Vegas festival from 1998 to 1999.
Archival Collection
Folder contains a grant application for a proposed law school building for Texas Technological College, 1966; a bibliography of resources related to law schools; a scholarly article titled "Libraries, Liberties, and the First Amendment" by Robert M. O'Neil, 1973; and memos related to the development of a law library at UNLV. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
Discussion of the connecting of a new subdivision to company water. The developers would pay to run the line from the main to the subdivision.
Discussion of a school board's request to move a water main from an area they wished to relocate their athletic field to.