Table showing gallons and percentage of water used by The Las Vegas Land & Water Co. in Las Vegas, and used and sold by the Union Pacific Railroad Co. in 1937, 1938, and 1939.
Report of the discussion regarding the creation of the Las Vegas Valley Water District at a Rotary meeting.
Article describing how the Clark County Commission approved the petition to create a water district and set up plans for an election on the issue.
Letter referring to water received by the Stewart family from the Union Pacific Railroad.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from handwritten text on letter: "May 1st, 1940 - Placed dam in ditch to divert all water to Burial Plot; May 27 - 2 1/2'' on weir, 8'' around weir. At Steward fence, water 3'' deep, 10'' wide."
Bracken informing McNamee of the solution to the water delivery problem to the Stewart burial plot.
The Nevada state engineer recommended the Las Vegas Valley Water District purchase all 1200 acres from the Las Vegas Land and Water Co., but the District only wanted 679 acres.