Two Indian men near a sagebrush fence, one holding a cat, and the other holding a boot. There are baskets in the background. The photograph was taken in Pahrump Valley, Nevada.
Two Indian women, one holding a child. The man on the right is possibly O. .J. Fisk, according to note that is attached to the photograph. The photograph was taken in either Pahrump Valley or Ash Meadows, Nevada.
From the UNLV Libraries Single Item Accession Photograph Collection (PH-00171). Paiute Indians. (J.K. Hillers photo, 1873) Chuarumpeak, leader of Kaibab Paiute, and family in native dress. Near Kanab, Utah.
A Paiute/Shoshone woman holding an infant in a cradleboard, and a young child standing in front of a possible karnee dwelling. A small wagon is visible in the foreground, and a cooking pot is on the fire. Note: this child and the wagon are also found in the Kiel-George collection (per Liz Warren). Possible location is Pahrump Valley, Nevada.