Aerial view of Twin Lakes Resort.
Transcribed Notes: Written on back of photo: Twin Lakes about 1953 before subdivisions around property
Flooding in Las Vegas
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "Flooding in the Las Vegas area, ca. 1950's"
Flooding in the desert
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "Unidentified location in flood
White Rock Spring on the Nevada Test Site. [Caption in N[evada] T[est] S[ite] News n. d. p. 8]
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "White Rock Springs - Oasis on the Test Site"
Aerial view of Las Vegas immediately following the close of World War II
The waters of Lake Mead are approaching the Lost City restorations
View from the northwest of the Lost City restorations.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "(1938) Lake Mead approaches Lost City restorations."
The waters of Lake Mead lapping at the base of the restorations of the Lost City.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "Waters of Lake Mead rise to base of Lost City Restorations. (1939)"
Lost City restorations with Lake Mead in the distance.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "Lost City Restorations with rising Lake Mead in distance. (1938)"
Photo of Fort Callville and corrals.